Sunday, January 31, 2010

Feeling Grumpy but Not Over-Educated

So a few days ago I read a headline announcing that a majority of the "over-educated" continue to support President Obama, and I wondered just what is meant by "over-educated." The most popular definition of that term suggests that someone with a post-graduate degree is over-educated. I have a post-graduate degree, and I don't feel over-educated.

How stupid a term is that: "over-educated"?  More than educated? I really don't see how someone can be over-educated.  By whose measurement? If I'm a plumber with a doctorate, am I over-educated? Why? Because I know more than I need to know to fix a faucet? Who says so?

I'm feeling quite surly about this.....curmudgeonly, perhaps.... or.....misanthropic--an indication that I might be "over-educated"?

Good. Lord.

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