Monday, November 28, 2011

Quote for the End of a Difficult Year

Massive financial crashes always produce some inherent unfairness. For some reason, though, we were willing to overlook that unfairness when it was Wall Street that came begging, but became obsessed with it when all the rest of us came begging.

This is how 2008 radicalized me. It's one thing to know that the rich and powerful basically control things. That's the nature of being rich and powerful, after all. But in 2008 and the years since, they've really rubbed our noses in it. It's frankly hard to think of America as much of a true democracy these days.

--Kevin Drum, posted under "How 2008 Should have Radicalized Us All," Monday, 28 November 2011.

1 comment:

NicoandRod said...

Ah, but it seems to me that radicalization is taking place. And while it may be deserved, and even necessary, it is often not pleasant to live through.

I'm glad I lived through the 60s but not all memories of that time are pleasant.

Then again, perhaps we are engaged in a later stage of the same conflict.
