Friday, May 11, 2012

Today's Blooms

morning glory

nasturtium bud
Our peas and okra have sprouted in a garden we put in last week, and the herbs, flowers, and vegetables we planted early in the season and last year, in smaller 8 ft. X 8 ft. raised gardens in our backyard, are flourishing, with a few setbacks from some caterpillars we're trying to control with Bt and the old-fashioned way of locating the caterpillars and crushing them. I don't know if the much above average temperatures we've experienced this year have influenced an increase and diversity of garden pests, but I wouldn't be surprised if climate change is affecting our gardening experience. But our flowers are blooming, and I'm looking forward to later-season blooms, too.

Here are a few photos I took this afternoon during a very light rain.
blanket flower

blanket flower



johnny jump-up

landscape with cat


Chris said...

Lovely photos. Thanks for posting, Anita.

Anita said...

Thanks. These photos really cheer me up.