Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Different Drought in Metro Atlanta

Hurricane Ike continues to affect the Gulf Coast and surrounding states. While people are trying to put their lives back together in Galveston, others as far away as Atlanta are feeling the aftershocks of the hurricane. We didn't get a drop of water out of the stormy weather, but the shutting down of refineries on the Gulf with the onslaught of first Hurricane Gustav and then Hurricane Ike has led to gas shortages here. Suddenly, Atlantans are discovering how much they depend upon Gulf Coast refineries and pipelines, from where most of their gasoline originates.

People here have been lining up at gas stations all week. They sit in line for 45 minutes or more and even get in fights. Our own household has been less impacted than many others because Tom rides MARTA to work in Atlanta, and I drive our Toyota Prius to work about 48-50 miles total every week; that comes to just a little over a gallon of gas for a Prius. I don't shop much at all, and the grocery stores which we frequent are all within two miles of the house. A good deal of our entertainment here recently has all been within walking distance, too.

Today, however, Mary-Margaret and Tom went to REI for hiking boots and to a Goodwill store where M-M likes to shop for clothes. On their way to and from the REI on I-85, they noted many gas stations without gasoline, but one on Clairmont was open, so Tom decided to stop. News reports have claimed that the shortage could last at least another week. The gas gauge on the Prius recorded less than half a tank of gas remaining. The line wasn't long, and the wait only ten minutes or so. But the owners of the gas station were limiting the amount of purchase to only $10 a car; that came to just a little over two gallons of gas, enough to bring the gas gauge in the Prius almost up to full.

But my rain barrel is bone dry.

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