Monday, October 20, 2008

High-Profile Republicans Jump Ship while "Joe-Six Pack" Republicans Heckle other Voters

This is what is happening to political discourse and the democratic process during this presidential election: See Steve Bennen's post, "Heckling Voters." I sure will be glad when this election is over.

And yet. . . . Republicans keep jumping ship: Ken Adelman, long-time Republican, says he is planning to vote for Barack Obama. See Adelman's explanation on George Packer's blog at The New Yorker: "First, Colin Powell, Now. . ." and "Adelman Addendum."

I hope that Barack Obama wins the presidential election, but I'm beginning to worry that he will be expected to be all things to all people.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post. In following the thread to Ken Adelman's comments in The New Yorker, I came across the information that "spread the wealth" comes straight from none other than the writings of Adam Smith. Of course, Adam Smith is the father of the free markets philosophy.

And I also appreciate your concern of people expecting too much from a much-hoped-for Obama presidency. If we pay attention to what he is saying, it is we who need to put forth the effort at making changes.


Anita said...

Jonathan Cohn at The New Republic quotes Adam Smith, too: “It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expen[s]e, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.” You can read Cohn's comment here.

Anonymous said...

Yes. . . Putting power back in lots of people's hands is what democracy really is, huh. This message of Obama's is what makes folks feel more hopeful----more connected to a government they feel can be of their own creation, not something imposed on them.