Sunday, February 8, 2009

Further Depressing News About Republicans

Republicans have embraced Rush Limbaugh as their unofficial leader, taking cues from him in the way they are resisting the President's stimulus plan and in the language they use in describing their ideas. There are a few leading Republicans (or those who publicly link themselves to conservative ideas) I continue to respect; unfortunately, none seems to be in the House or the Senate. See this post at Think Progress: "GOP Leaders Embrace Rush Limbaugh as Their 'Unofficial Leader.'"

Check This Out: One blog and one website that refute some of the current depressing conservative "arguments" can be found here:


Chris said...

I believe it was a wise friend (and her name was Anita, too!) who told me that one should not try to make the irrational rational----it invites frustration and depression!

Anita said...

Yes, I should follow my own advice!