Sunday, June 7, 2009

Early June Garden Update

In the week I was in Texas, the garden in Georgia blossomed. Here are some signs of that growth. I took the photo of the scarlet Monarda didyma at left on May 29th, the day before my daughter and I left for Texas. I took the photos below today. The monarda (bee balm) is in full flower near the grape arbor. The scarlet bee balm is "Jacob Cline," which is powdery mildew resistant. The pink bee balm that I've planted by the mail box is pretty, but the center of the clump succumbed to powdery mildew (or something like it), and the sprouts around it aren't as tall and healthy-looking as the scarlet bee balm. Click on each photo for a larger view.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Oh, lovely. . . I can feel the heat from your garden: I'm warming my hands from the computer screen photos!