Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Right Wing Terrorist A "Great American"?

Here's a thought: If someone stood up in a town-hall meeting and said he was proud to be a left-wing terrorist, what do you think would be the audience's response and the response of mouth-frothing radio talk show hosts?

Well, in Redding, California (that's northern California, far away from the "crazy" Southerners Kevin Drum excoriated in a blog a couple of weeks ago and to which I responded), a citizen stood in such a meeting and said he was proud to be a right-wing terrorist. Instead of repudiating the language and the violence inherent in it, the crowd cheered him. And the Republican congressman present praised him:

“Amen, God bless you,” [Republican Congressman Wally] Herger said with a broad smile. “There is a great American.” (Paul Boerger, "Web extra: Congressman Herger calls Obama plan 'threat to democracy'," Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers, posted Friday, August 21, 2009.)

Ummmm.... Timothy McVeigh was a "right-wing terrorist." Is he a "Great American"? My God, what is happening in our country where people can make these claims and be cheered?

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