Friday, February 5, 2010

By Their Leaders You Shall Know Them

So the National Tea Party Convention is underway in Nashville, Tennessee, and one of the touted speakers is former Congressman, Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado). In the speech he gave at the Convention yesterday, Tancredo claimed that Barack Obama was elected president because our country does not have a "civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country." Ummmm..... when and where in this country was a literacy test required for voting? And who was the target of that literacy test? Mr. Tancredo, standing in a city in the South, demands a literacy test for voters?

What century is he wishing he lived in? Or to what century does he wish to drag back the country?

Good. Lord.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mr. Tancredo also had things to say about people who can't speak English. People who don't even know the English word "vote." You know, those dumb immigrants. Mr. Tancredo's grandparents, who came here seeking a better life, should hear him now.