Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Faith, Hope, and . . . . Anticipation

Nothing exemplifies faith and hope as much as a garden, I think. To begin gardening is a step into that one can do the job, faith that the weather will be beneficial, faith that the outcome will bring pleasure or, at least, sustenance. One plants those dry little seeds hoping that they will sprout and that predators won't decimate the crop. Of course, one hopes a garden can generate charity, too: we all love our neighbors as ourselves when the cucumbers over-produce. On the other hand, charity withers when one spies a worm on a tomato leaf.

And oh...what anticipation as one daily observes the sprouts growing and bearing fruit.

Here are a few photos I took in the garden today that exemplify all of these emotions--and more.

Anticipating eating the Creole tomatoes

Nasturtiums for beauty and salads

This is how I feel in my gardens.

Thai basil sprouts (Queenette)

Uh oh....daily maintenance required

beautiful but not wanted

kumquat ripening

just-set satsuma fruits

sweet oranges

young sunflower sprouts

a dwarf gardenia
crooked-neck squash sprouts

more basil sprouts--lettuce leaf or Genovese

tiny arugula sprouts

Despite the pointed bamboo stakes, Persephone finds a shady spot.


Chris said...

Mmmm. . . kumquats coming!

Anita said...

If we get a good crop, we'll send you some!