Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Freaky? Well, Unusual Weather

Tom just e-mailed me to let me know that it is snowing in Mid-town Atlanta. I think we must have been still stuck in our experiences of Central Texas weather when we began planting our Victory Garden this year! Tom did have the foresight to cover most of those plants last night (he was feeling a lot better than I at the time). So far, no sign of snow here where we are, just east of Atlanta.

UPDATE: Okay, it's 12:12 p.m., on April 7th, and it's snowing here. Tiny, tiny, flakes of snow, to be sure--the wind is blowing strongly and bitingly, too. But snowing, briefly.

Update, 2:30 p.m.: According to weather.com, the temperature here is 44 degrees, but it feels much cooler. I walked outside to take a few pictures of blooms, hoping that those blooms won't freeze tonight. The apple tree we planted just a couple of months ago is blooming, and the native flowers I have planted in the backyard are blooming, too. M-M's strawberry plants are blooming, and she is so looking forward to those first tasty strawberries. The last frost date for this area is around April 10th, but according to one local blog, the last April freeze in Atlanta was in 2000, and before that, 1992. Weather.com is predicting a low of 32 degrees tonight.

My brief foray into the cold led to an encounter with a neighbor two streets over--Pam--who approached while I was photographing the apple blossoms. One of our neighbors keeps a few children in her home, and Pam's child is one of those. Our front yard has been of interest to the children because we are growing things, and children love to watch things grow. Also, my art car captures attention when it's parked in the driveway. Pam mentioned that she and her child enjoyed looking at it. Right now The Lady is parked in our small garage in the backyard. When the weather warms up (again!), I plan to spruce up The Lady and perhaps drive her in a few more parades before trying to find someone who would like to re-invent The Lady for his or her own art car adventures.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I hadn't checked your blog since day before yesterday, so now I know why you've been silent. . . Glad to know you're feeling better!