Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Final Bit of Poetry for Poetry Month

For the past few years, I've written poems and created handmade valentines for a few friends every year for Valentine's day. These are my "occasional poems," and I don't attempt to have them published. Here I'll record a sonnet I wrote in 2004, which I mailed with a handmade valentine. Here's to Poetry Month (also, the month of the Full Pink Moon, the Egg Moon, The Full Fish Moon, the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, Sugar Maker Moon, Frog Moon, Moon of the Big Leaves...).

A Sonnet to Craft

Why take the time to make a simple thing,
transforming trash to something more worthwhile,
a decorated box to hold a ring,
a sheet of paper folded in the style
of origami, shaped into a crane,
a symbol of long life, good fortune, peace,
or send a love note high upon a plane
of paper worked with angles, edge, and crease?
For logic tells us craft may be a waste
of time spent better in some other art
aligned with higher standards, finer taste,
as Jesus said to Mary, "that good part."
But what is labeled low, of less amount,
Needs only love to turn to great account.

Anita D-G

1 comment:

Chris said...

I know this poem well and treasure it!

Love to you.